Wednesday, February 06, 2013

who doesn't love pink?

another friend from work asked me to make cake pops for a bridal shower. these puppies are all vanilla, pink cake, pink coating, and of course, pink glitter.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

party time.

 a good friend of mine from work asked for some cupcakes, cake pops, and cake balls for her birthday party. purple and lime green icing and vanilla cake..all with a little sparkle. can't go wrong with plain ol' vanilla 

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

a few other images.

i have never been the best or biggest picture taker. here are a few images that i have found that i have done over the last little while.

Monday, November 05, 2012

a poker party

simple but classy.
made these puppies for a friends husband's poker-themed birthday party.
vanilla cupcakes with almond buttercream
vanilla cupcakes with original buttercream
chocolate cupcakes with original chocolate buttercream

baby boy shower

these cupcakes and cake pops were for a friends sister's baby shower.
cake pops are red velvet with cream cheese icing and vanilla with original buttercream

there were 3 varieties of cupcakes
red velvet with cream cheese icing
lemon cupcake with fresh lemon buttercream
vanilla cupcake with original vanilla buttercream
all cupcakes were topped with a candy baby bottle and differentiated with sprinkles and icing design.

a new face...

since we have a different blog for our personal life, this will be revamped into my "new and improved" cupcake only blog. I always said I would use this later as a strictly cupcake blog...and now i'm runnin' with the idea. if you have any questions about my cupcakes just shoot me an email and i would be happy to answer.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

aloha...long lost friend.

it has been AGES since i wrote on here...and i have so much to update!
the most recent news is that in 3 months i will be laying on this...

and hiking in this...

i am going to MAUI!!!!
other exciting things....starting since my last post:
in november we had a nice thanksgiving in texas at cj, mardi, eli, and tate's and my parents and sophie were lucky enough to drive down for it. I worked the holiday, but it was still nice to spend time with them. It was nice enough to go running outside the day before thanksgiving in a tank top and shorts. oh the difference between utah/idaho and dallas.
in december, Christmas was a blast. miss maren and her parents made the trip to kansas city (as did auntie) and spend Christmas with mom, dad, and sophie. it was the first time i wore my coat, as the day before i left to go home, it was 85 degrees here in dallas. it was fun to be home and see jamie, robert, and maren for almost a week. we did many of our yearly traditions and went to the plaza (one of my favorite traditions). william sonoma gets me every time.
january was a VERY exciting month. shelly came in from utah and celebrated the new year in dallas. i had to work so our partying was a little on the short end. we enjoyed relaxing and catching up on sleep. i celebrated my 24th (ahem 21st for the 4th time) on the 8th. on the 26th i had surgery. MY HANDS ARE NO LONGER SWEATY!!!! after my whole life of dripping wet hands, they are dry! i had a bilateral thorascopic sympathectomy. my mom came to dallas for a week to help take care of me...i thought this was going to be a piece of cake. boy, was i wrong. thank you so much mom for being my nursemaid on hand 24/7. thank you to everyone who called and checked in. i much prefer being the nurse rather than the patient.
february was/is eventful as the superbowl was in dallas. this was right after i had surgery so i was pretty limited in wanting to do things. it has been fun to see the superbowl and the world series in the same year. i went to utah for a weekend to visit old friends. it was so fun to see everyone and i'm sorry if i missed you.
sorry for the delay and the shortened condensed version of my life! the next few months will be a blast. april i'm going to kansas city to run a 1/2 marathon with my dad. kesha comes to dallas on the 26th...and then to hawaii.